Auto Accidents

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Auto Injury Treatment in Thomasville, NC

Dealing with issues that occur after an auto accident is one of the most stressful events that occur in life. A person usually thinks first about the car, but is often times surprised to find back and neck issues that spring up weeks or months down the road. Two events typically occur. First, the insurance company settles with the victim without factoring in medical costs for undiagnosed injuries. Second, due to delayed treatments, the injury gets progressively worse.

Get Treatment Immediately

It is absolutely imperative that anybody that is in an auto accident immediately seeks the services of a chiropractor even after emergency room care. A typical patient in our office is someone who has been involved in an automobile accident 10 to 15 years ago and did not get the proper treatment for their injuries.

Many times, people do not see medical professionals or file a claim for fear that their premium may go up. Although medical benefits (med pay) are often included in automobile policies, people frequently overlook this. Exactly like health insurance, med pay does not cause your premiums to increase. If the accident was not caused by you, med pay doesn’t exempt the other party from having to pay your loss in full.

With most cases involving med pay, personal injury is not required. Insurance policies will cover most or all costs, though this will only happen if medical assistance is sought immediately after the accident.

If helping a patient is beyond our capacity, they will be referred to a medical facility that can help. If you have found yourself in an auto accident recently, it is important to first be evaluated by a chiropractic doctor to get under care immediately. Give our chiropractic office in Thomasville a call to find out more.

Expert Care

If you're experiencing symptoms that could be related to spine alignment, a visit to the chiropractic center of Health One Chiropractic in Thomasville, NC, could help.

Caring for your spine is essential. You rely heavily on correct spine alignment for your every day well being. When your spine is out of alignment, it can cause a myriad of problems including headaches, growing pains, chronic pain, decreased mobility, and even incapacitation.

Corrective Exercises and Lifestyle Advice

Sometimes a fall, repetitive manual actions, lifting incorrectly, forceful impact to the body or just a funny night's sleep can throw your spine out of alignment. It's always best to seek treatment at the earliest possible opportunity.

A simple adjustment in your spine alignment at a chiropractic health center in Thomasville could be all you need to have you pain-free and moving effortlessly again.

Pain Relief and Injury

Health One Chiropractic provides ongoing care that includes teaching you exercises to help with mobility and strength to support your condition and help get you on a faster road to recovery. We are committed to providing personalized service with lifestyle advice to prevent recurrence or the worsening of conditions.

We can help with: correct posture and seating, lifting techniques, better work practices, advice on the best pillows for you, optimal sleeping positions, and more. Visit our chiropractic center in Thomasville and experience it first-hand.

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